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Showing posts from August, 2017

Spring Boot And Angular 4 with Angular CLI Integration

I recently spent the time to setup Angular CLI front-end using IntelliJ and Maven tool. Angular 4 is the next version of Angular 2. In this article, I am going to show how to integrate Angular 4 with SpringBoot RestAPI using IntelliJ step by step. In this article,  1. I used various technologies.  -> Maven  -> IntelliJ  -> SpringBoot  -> Java 8  -> Angular 4  ->Node.js  2. Setup Node.js and NPM.  Install Node.js from Download . And then check Node.js and NPM by node -v and npm -v command respectively. -> Open CMD in Windows and check Node.js and NPM: node -v and npm -v.   3. Install the Angular-CLI using the command line as:  -> open cmd and type npm install -g @angular/cli -> and check Angular-CLI after installing as: ng -v 4. Setup SpringBoot App using IntelliJ as: -> create a simple spring-boot restful app and dependency for the web in pom.xml file as < dependency > < groupId > org.springframework.boot </ groupI

Software Engineering Process

Forward Engineering: It is the process of creating software from the specification.Forward Engineering is the process of converting high-level model or concept to lower level details.Forward engineering represents the normal development process in software and database processes. Like when we develop and implement code by the analysis of Class diagrams is a forward engineering process. Reverse Engineering: Reverse Engineering is the process of creating specification from existing software. Reverse Engineering is the reverse process of the forward engineering. It is the process of extracting high-level design from low-level details or code. So it is a process to build backward, from a coded set to a model. Round-trip Engineering: Round-trip Engineering is the functionality of software development tools that synchronizes two or more related software artifacts, such as, source code, models, configuration files, and even documentation. Round-trip engineering is needed when the same i

String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder

What is the difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder? String: Java String object is an immutable i.e. unmodifiable. It can be created by two ways by literal and new keyword. StringBuffer: Java StringBuffer is mutable. It can be created by using the new keyword. It is a synchronized means thread-safe. StringBuilder: Java StringBuilder is mutable. It is non-synchronized means not thread-safe.